ELT – Fernando Loban

Fernando Loban

Bachelor degree in English
  • Teaching English for more than 27 years.
  • Subjects :- English
  • Country :- Panama

You want to learn English easily, come and practice with us. Remember that practice makes perfect. Learn English in a fun and stress-free way. We give you all the help you need to learn it in a fun way.

Personal Information

1. Name:– Fernando Loban

2. Gender:- Male

3. Country:- Panama

Educational Background

1 . Educational qualifications:-Bachelor degree in English

2 . Professional qualifications:- I have been teaching English for more than 27 years.

3 . Teaching experiences:- Ministry of Education in Panama

Charges and Other Conditions

1 . Teaching experiences:- Ministry of Education in Panama

2 . Charges per hour:- $ 20

YouTube lessons
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Online Courses