1. Subjects:- English, German and Geography
2. Name:- Julia Zinsmeister
3. Gender:- Female
4. Country :- Germany
5. E-mail address :- julia@robert-nathaniel.de
6. WhatsApp number :- +4915231788296
7. Educational qualifications :–
M.A. Degree in English and Russian Veliko Turnovo University / Paedagogical University in Ludwigsburg Germany with 2nd State Examination in Subjects: English and Geography
8. Professional qualifications: –
British Council “British Cultural Studies at Oxford and Glasgow” 1993 and many more summer courses for teachers in Great Britain
9. Teaching experiences :-
More than 25 years of teaching experience at school and business college both in Bulgaria and Germany / Online teacher since 2020
10. Charges per hour :- 20€
11. Other conditions:-
Articles :-
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YouTube Lessons :-
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Books :-
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